Sunday Mornings

In my opinion, mornings are the best part of the day. I can do almost anything at 5:00am, but at 5:00pm, I start thinking about putting my pajamas and hitting the couch.

There is something to be said about the stillness and quietness of the mornings that I absolutely love. I could go on and on about this, but I will spare you the bore.

tulipsOn Sundays (and sometimes Saturdays), when the weather is nice, the sun is shinning and it is not bitterly cold, I like like going for walks right after the sun comes up. It is seriously one of my favorite things. Usually I go alone, but on the rare occasion that Tyler is awake at this time, he comes too (I think this has happened once in the past year).

Pearl Street I usually stop for coffee and/or breakfast, sometimes I get it to go and enjoy it on my way back, sometimes I bring a book and sit for a while. This morning I stopped in at Spruce Confections, located on the far west end of Pearl St. in Boulder, and got my drink “to go”, as I am in desperate need of a good book and did not have one to bring along!

Spruce ConfectionsSpruce ConfectionsI ordered a vanilla mate latte. The vanilla was homemade and I had never had a mate latte before, so why not. I was a little taken back when my drink came out looking like this.

homemade vanilla mate lattteA couple thoughts rolled through my head, “what is that?” “Is that part of the “mate” style of latte?” “Should I take that out now or when I get home?” “Where is the pretty little design that is usually made when the steamed milk is poured in?!” Of course I could have asked someone behind the counter but I was a little embarrassed, thinking I should know what this is. Come to find out, it was the homemade vanilla (thank you, Google).

On my walk today, I tried to come to a conclusion of why i enjoyed this time so much. Maybe it was the silent streets, maybe it was the sun shinning, maybe it was the fact that I saw only 7 other people on what is usually a very populated street, jam packed with street performers and tourists. I realized, the answer is C “all of the above” (plus many many more reasons).

Pearl StreetSo, cheers to you Sunday morning, its been fun and I am looking forward to our date again next week.